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I like choosing all kinds of media to tell a story. Stories from my life, memories and subconscious. Everything is like a dream or an illusion to me. Throughout the creating process I observe a plot of my mind. Projects are afterimages of dying story-lines which I let go. It gives me an incredible imagination and inventiveness to explore myself and others. Creating has become a source of meditation.

  I refer to mysticism, shamanism, quantum physics - psychomagic - learning about the mind, body and spirit connections. I discovered how we are conditioned and unaware of our behaviours and where they came from.  At the same time there are glimpses of beauty in everyday life I try to capture.  I seem to balance between two aspects of life: suffering & happiness, beauty & ugliness, but very often I'd like to blur the boundaries between them.


Grażyna Wikierska, born in Poland in 1978 and currently live and work in England. Graduated from the University of Zielona Góra - Visual Art Institute in Poland with a Master of Art degree in visual art education in 2002.  Graduated with distinction - Art & Design at Yeovil College in 2020. She likes  experimenting in a variety of different fields of art. She switches from one medium to another, experimenting in video, photography, painting and performance.  Main topics are past, disappearance, human condition & criticism of the mainstream. Recent works refer to spirituality, shamanism, self-discovery, fragility of  everyday life and vulnerability.


Diploma in Visual Arts  at Institute of Visual Arts in Zielona Góra / University of Zielona Góra in Poland 1998 - 2002;

Diploma in Art & Design at Yeovil College 2020;


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